Nanostructured Soft Matter

Nanostructured Soft Matter

Author: Ed. A.V. Zvelindovsky
ISBN 978-1-4020-6329-9 

Experiment, Theory, Simulation and Perspectives 

Springer, pages 620, hardcover
The book covers materials ranging from short amphiphilic molecules to block copolymers, proteins, colloids and their composites, microemulsions and bio-inspired systems such as vesicles. The book considers several fundamental questions, including how self-assembly of various soft materials with the internal structure at the nanoscale can be understood, controlled and in future used in the newly emerging field of soft nanotechnology. The book offers readers a view on the subject from different perspectives, combining modern experimental approaches from physical chemistry and physics with various theoretical techniques from physics, mathematics and the most advanced computer modeling. It is the first book of this sort in the field. All chapters are written by leading international experts, bringing together experience from Canada, Germany, Great Britain, Japan, the Netherlands, Russia, Singapore, Spain and the USA. The book is oriented towards active researchers as well as undergraduate and graduate students.

Part I: Experimental Advances.
Microemulsion Templating; W.F.C. Sager. Nanofabrication of Block Copolymer Bulk and Thin Films: Microdomain Structures as Templates; Takeji Hashimoto and Kenji Fukunaga. Characterization of Surfactant Water Systems by X-Ray Scattering and 2H NMR; Michael C. Holmes. Polyelectrolyte Diblock Copolymer Micelles: Small Angle Scattering Estimates of the Charge Ordering in the Coronal Layer; Johan R.C. van der Maarel. Structure and Shear-Induced Order in Blends of a Diblock Copolymer with the Corresponding Homopolymers; I.W. Hamley, V. Castelletto, and Z. Yang. Electric Field Alignment of Diblock Copolymer Thin Films; T. Xu, J. Wang, and T.P. Russell. Control of Block Copolymer Microdomain Orientation from Solution Using Electric Fields: Governing Parameters and Mechanisms; Alexander Böker. Structure and Dynamics of Cylinder-Forming Block Copolymers in Thin Films; Larissa Tsarkova.
Part II: Mathematical and Theoretical Approaches.
Mathematical Description of Nanostructures with Minkowski Functionals; G.J.A. Sevink. Scaling Theory of Polyelectrolyte and Polyampholyte Micelles; Nadezhda P. Shusharina and Michael Rubinstein. The Latest Development of the Weak Segregation Theory of Microphase Separation in Block Copolymers; I.Ya. Erukhimovich. Coarse-Grained Modeling of Mesophase Dynamics in Block Copolymers; Zhi-Feng Huang and Jorge Viñals. Effective Interactions in Soft Materials; Alan R. Denton.
Part III: Computer Simulations.
Ab-Initio Coarse-Graining of Entangled Polymer Systems; J.T. Padding and W.J. Briels. Computer Simulations of Nano-Scale Phenomena Based on the Dynamic Density Functional Theories: Applications of SUSHI in the OCTA System; Takashi Honda and Toshihiro Kawakatsu. Monte Carlo Simulations of Nano-Confined Block Copolymers; Qiang Wang. Understanding Vesicles and Bio-Inspired Systems with Dissipative Particle Dynamics; Julian C. Shillcock. Theoretical Study of Nanostructured Biopolymers Using Molecular Dynamics Simulations: a Practical Introduction; Danilo Roccatano. Understanding Liquid/Colloids Composites with Mesoscopic Simulations; Ignacio Pogonabarraga.